Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

I am a bad blogger. I do not do a good job of keeping my blog going, which I am sure the two people that read it know without me telling them. I do feel that I would do a better job if I was paid. However, I am not alone in this failing. Lots of people are unable to keep a blog/journal/ diary going. My problem is not procrastination, nor is it lack of ideas. On the contrary, my problem is an overabundance of ideas all pouring into my brain at once. A deluge of random thoughts and tangents that derail any attempt at organized blogging. So, at a suggestion from a very close friend of mine, I decided to write a stream of consciousness blog. I intend to start writing and continue for approximately 10 minutes. Whatever pops into my brain, I will write. Maybe I'll come up with some ideas that I will be able to carry through!

Currently, as I am typing, I have noticed the abysmal number of fingerprints smearing my little laptop. The black shiny plastic is a fingerprint magnet. As is stainless steel. That is the reason I will never have stainless steel appliances in my kitchen. It would be a losing battle to try and keep all the fingerprints and smudges off my appliances. Not that I plan on buying stainless steel appliances anyway. They only seem to be suited to huge kitchens that are featured on HGTV. My little 1974 kitchen is not likely to be featured any time soon. Unless, of course, they decided to come and do a "Save My Tiny Kitchen!" episode. In which case, they have plenty of work ahead of them. Jason and I planned to fix it up a bit, but we had kids and bills instead. So, at the moment our cabinets don't even have handles. We took them off planning on redoing the cabinets and that was as far as we got. We did manage to replace the counter tops. We also want to redo our pantry. Whoever designed it apparently did not think about the amount of dead space that comes when you make shelves almost three feet deep. Hey! The last three words in that sentence all have the "ee" spelling in them. That probably is pretty rare. I mean, think of the number of words people write in a day. How often do three words in a row have the same double-vowel pattern? The letter "e" by itself is fairly common. Actually, I believe it is the most common letter in the English language. Certainly it is not the most used in other languages. I would wager there are some languages that do not use the letter "e" often, or at all. I learned something new the other day. I discovered the origins of the ampersand (&). If you look at it closely, you can see that it looks like a capital "E" and a lower case "t" that are intertwined. Originally, it was easier to see both the letters. Anyway, et is the Latin word for "and." Back in the day (I don't know exactly how long ago) students in one room school houses were busily learning everything without the aid of computers, and in some cases, books. They relied a good deal on oral learning. Teachers, trying to get across the knowledge that "a" and "I" are both letters and words, would have the students recite "A per se A" and "I per se I" which meant "a as the word a." As time went on, they decided added the phrase "& per se &" which meant "and per se and." English speaking students being what they are, began slurring the phrase until it became one word, "ampersand." So, there you have it. You know, saying "So, there you have it" reminds me of My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding. Actually, that whole story I just shared would fit in that movie. "Kimono, a robe you wear in the winter. So, there you have it!" That is a pretty good movie. I might need to watch that sometime soon.

Well, there is my 10 minute mark. Yes, I did time myself. My phone has a lovely, and easy to set, alarm on it. Of course, the sudden vibration just about made me throw my computer on the floor. Luckily I didn't. My husband would not have been too thrilled.

So, I am sorry this was kind of a lousy post. Someday I need to do a real one. However, I think I write that almost every time. Or at least I think it, and now you know how that goes.


  1. Hey, you did it! And I read it with a big cheesy grin of glee on my phase. I think you need to stop apologizing for your blog entries, because I've enjoyed everyone of them. (Is that a comment on my taste?) And if you want to watch "My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding" you should come watch with me! I love that movie (and have it) and am always looking for someone to enjoy it with!

  2. im ready for the billy joel blogposts to start. BTW the next deer I kill, Sara can help me clean it!
