I love a good lightbulb moment. You do have those, right? Hopefully. The thought that anyone would not have had a really good lightbulb moment sometime in their life is very sad. Another great word for a lightbulb moment is (wait for it....) EPIPHANY! That is an amazing word. Say it several times. It rolls off the tongue like water off a duck's back. (Sorry, I have always wanted to say that.) Anyway, lightbulb moments, or epiphanies, are one of the greatest things about being human. How many chimpanzees have epiphanies?
How wonderful is it when you have been struggling to understand something, or just written it off as non-understandable, and suddenly BOING! You have had a LIGHTBULB MOMENT! I love the lightbulb moments of children. One of my favorites was when I was teaching my 6th graders. We had been working on writing/grammar/conventions. We were discussing the importance of capital letters. One of my (ahem) precious students looked up suddenly and said (with amazement in his voice), "Hey! Sentences always start with a capital letter! That's how you can tell it's a new sentence!" Gotta love it.
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