Do you ever get the feeling that if people knew who you really were, they would all be in shock? I regularly am surprised by people's assessments of me. The person they describe is far removed from the person that I am. Sometimes I feel that the person they perceive me to be is a much more interesting and reliable person than myself. This "other Jennifer" has skills I don't possess. I am not that organized. I am not that clever. I am not confident and self-assured. I am sorely lacking in all housewifely graces. I am not that good of a mom; I am simply blessed with good children. I am not a content person. I am usually wishing something about myself would be different. I do not really know the answers to the questions people think I should know. What am I? I am shy. I am pessimistic. I am easily frustrated. I lack patience in all forms. I know what I should be doing, but I am too lazy to do it. I am often treading water the best I can just to keep my head above the tide.
Does that surprise you? Does it make me less of a person in your eyes?
Jenn, you're so cool. And I'm so glad you have a blog.